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Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Anger may be a (physiological and psychological) response to a perceived threat to self or important others, present, past, or future. The threat may appear to be real, discussed, or imagined.

Anger is often a response to the perception of threat due to a physical conflict, injustice, negligence, humiliation, or betrayal, among other contentions. The expression of anger can be through active or passive behaviors. In the case of "active" emotion, the angry person "lashes out" verbally or physically at an intended target. When anger is a "passive" emotion, it is characterized by silent sulking, passive-aggressive behavior (hostility), and tension.

Humans often experience anger empathetically: for example, after reading an article about a person experiencing racism, one may experience anger, even though she/he is not the actual victim.

Anger is usually magnified and extended in time when a cognitive decision is made about the intent of the individual (or organization or object) interpreted as inflicting the pain. In other words, if one decides the pain infliction was intentional or deliberate, the emotion is usually more intense.

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